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     I wanted to write stories for my children and grandchildren to read about how my Finnish heritage, my family and the people in my community shaped my life.  Theresa O'Brien's guidance, advice and encouragement, as well as her editing skills, helped me create a book I am pleased to share with them.


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      I received a wonderful and memorable gift a few years ago. The book was a love story about my parents. It gave the story of their family backgrounds, how they met, their military service, their family, and the legacy they created that lives on today in their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Everyone should have someone as caring and capable as Theresa to help them write their life story. We all have lived rich lives and passing that on to future generations is a marvelous gift.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ~ Mary Ann Dabek



        Having this book gave me history in my hands and a love story at my fingertips. I will keep and treasure it forever.

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         Theresa gave my family and me an incredible treasure in the form of a love book to our parents. To have their life story unfold in words and photos from their life is a gift anyone would cherish. Since our parents have passed, this book keeps them alive with beautiful memories of our too short life together. As we age, our recollection of events tend to diminish and we become fuzzy in our recollections. Having a book like this helps retain these memories with a flick of a page. I am forever grateful to Theresa for this book.

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       There are no words to express my gratitude to Theresa for helping my mother publish her life story.  I know she spent countless hours with her, documenting each step of her life.  Guiding her, probing her with just the right questions and the photos, oh my!  Awesome!  How she could condense it into a book, is beyond my scope of understanding.  I tried for years to get my mother to dictate her story into a machine .  Along Theresa came and made it happen!  For that, I am eternally grateful.  Theresa knew how to bring out the "right stories" from her to incorporate into the book. I am amazed at the careful punctuation, spelling, and format that was used.  It shows your attention to detail, your enthusiasm and the many hours you spent on this project for us. Again, thank you, Theresa!  You are a Blessing!

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     Theresa O’Brien is smart and knows how to write a book. She was so helpful to me. She knew how to bring out the stories of my life. I could not have done it without her.

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     As a young adult myself, the treasure of unheard tales from my grandmother’s upbringing, as well as the trials and triumphs from her adult life, brings a deeper appreciation and sense of bonded empathy for her as a woman that would not have blossomed had her stories, in her own words, not been shared. This incredibly put together book which holds her emotions and feelings throughout her life’s joy and hardships, shines light on the true nature of who she was and the strong character she embodied. Having these stories and photographs to pass down to my children and their children will serve as our family’s most treasured heirloom.

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     Having a “Your Story” book is a keepsake. It’s something you can hold on to and can look back on whenever you need to. To read stories about your grandparents you’ve never heard before. To get to know what young adult life was like for them back in their day. To show friends and acquaintances pictures of who they were and where they came from. To show my children one day how amazing their great grandparents were. To bring the book out and see their faces when you miss them most and to always have a piece of them with you. For me, this Your Story book allows me to keep my grandparents close and ensures that such amazing, important people are never forgotten.  

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